Information Technology


pdf FINEOS Workflow

- Australia (Sydney)
  • CommInsure, Commonwealth Bank

pdf ViewStar Workflow
pdf Process Architect

1995 - 2007

- U.K.(London, Leeds, Halifax, Reading) - Australia (Sydney, Melbourne, Perth)
  • Tandem
  • Shell Oil
  • BZW
  • Barclays Global Investors
  • BankWest
- U.S.A (Washington DC, Dallas, Austin TX)
  • Workflow Systems
  • Brazos
  • Tenet
  • DoxSys

Documents Management SpyView

- U.S.A (Irvine, CA.)
  • Magellan Software

Documents Capture
pdf InputAccel


- Australia (Sydney)
  • CSA Australasia
- U.S.A (San-Jose CA, Seattle WA)
  • Input Software (Cornerstone)
  • RAF

Tablet/Mobile website
Tablet/Mobile website

Magellan Software - Irvine, California, USA

About to add optical storage archive support to its SpyView workflow product, Magellan Software considered its options and required independent opinion on the suitability of the Kofax Ascent Storage ActiveX Controls library versus the Q-Star Controls product.

Wandsworth Borough Council - London, England

At this London Burrogh Council, a ViewStar workflow system was applied to the Housing Benefits and Council Tax processes. On average, 5,000 documents were daily scanned in, by two Kodak scanners and more than 100 users used ViewStar applications to process and respond to client's enquiries.

A major upgrade to ViewStar version 5.0 was applied in 1999 and with it we implemented a major restructure of the workflow work distribution. The new "work allocation" style applied UPRN (Unique Property Numbers) to the rules of distributing folder documets to client officers in both the Revenue and Benefits areas.

Using the Object Orientated Rapid Development Environment offered by the ViewStar suite of tools, we modified the workflow maps that were originally designed by EDS and developed applications that assisted the local ViewStar System Administrators in managing further alterations to the work distribution. Assisted by the local ViewStar Administrators, Frank Gomez and Kashif Zamir, by team leaders and managers and especially by the IT Manager Mr Brian Coker, this project was smoothly rolled into production. In time it had turned into a significant factor towards a vast improvement in efficiency and productivity of both users and management.

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