Information Technology


pdf FINEOS Workflow

- Australia (Sydney)
  • CommInsure, Commonwealth Bank

pdf ViewStar Workflow
pdf Process Architect

1995 - 2007

- U.K.(London, Leeds, Halifax, Reading) - Australia (Sydney, Melbourne, Perth)
  • Tandem
  • Shell Oil
  • BZW
  • Barclays Global Investors
  • BankWest
- U.S.A (Washington DC, Dallas, Austin TX)
  • Workflow Systems
  • Brazos
  • Tenet
  • DoxSys

Documents Management SpyView

- U.S.A (Irvine, CA.)
  • Magellan Software

Documents Capture
pdf InputAccel


- Australia (Sydney)
  • CSA Australasia
- U.S.A (San-Jose CA, Seattle WA)
  • Input Software (Cornerstone)
  • RAF

Tablet/Mobile website
Tablet/Mobile website

Brent Borough Local Authority - London, England

Brent Revenue and Benefits also used a ViewStar 5.1 workflow that was originally installed and run by EDS. Indexing and Workbench were the main windows applications of this workflow system. This system required enhancements, especially for more detailed management reporting and information auditing.

Wandsworth Borough Local Authority - London, England
[1999 - 2007]

Automated the information transfer from the Department of Social Security (DSS) to the Council's workflow, using DDE technology. The software seamlessly translated the Mainframe generated flat file into Microsoft Word documents, containing records received from the DSS. These were auto-imported, indexed and matched to the appropriate folders within the workflow system.

Designed and developed an interpretive Management Information Reporting (MIR) tool that was configurable by System Administrators, according to management's requests and was utilised by various levels of management throughout the Council. All reports generated by this software could be exported to Microsoft Excel, for further statistical analysis and graphical presentation.

Implemented an automated reminder letters generator for Housing Benefits claims. On many occasions new claims were submitted without the inclusion of the full set of required documentation and/or information. Government regulations implied that reminder letters were to be sent to such applicants. Where appropriate information was not returned within 14 days, Council would cancel such applications and remove them from the workflow.
1999 - 2007

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