
Information Technology



LIAL - Agencement Analysis
LIAL - Microsoft Access Database design
LIAL - Database Administration application
LIAL - Database Login
LIAL - Database Producers
LIAL - Farmers to Producers
LIAL - Database Contracts
LIAL - Database Configuration
LIAL - Analyses
LIAL offices, France

Laboratory Database design

More than 100 dairies and 7000 milk producers.
Milk and samples are picked up by truck tour.
Each producer's milk is analyzed three times a month, randomly.

Samples tests are performed for the purpose of Milk Payment by Quality, as well as for Dairy sanitary Control.

Database Administration Appication

This Windows application was developed for Microsoft Access, using the MS-Access runtime with VBA.

Administrators configure database users and access rights. Database contains Milk Producers with their associated Cheese Industry, Public and Private organizations.

Clients have well defined contracts for the types and frequency of analysis.

Each Client has contact persons names, address, telephone numbers, emails, business registration, etc.

This module may be run on either the production or the development system. It also performs database backup.
