Technical Business Analysis
Project Management
Software Engineering
Software Integration
Workflow Consulting
Web Design
Tom DeMarco
Controlling Software Projects
Management Measurement & Estimation
Patrick Henry
Virginia Assembly, Richmond, 23 March 1775
Information Technology
Engineering, Workflow, Webdesign
world wide experience
Have completed electronics engineering
In the early 1970s, have worked with computers that were built with discrete components,
that is: transistors, resistors and capacitors. Serviced computers that were built using
Philips Circuit Blocks, that encapsulated a small printed circuit board with conventional
electronic components. Computers built with
Philips Circuit blocks
In mid to late 1970s, worked on mini computers and peripherals
Years of experience with mini and micro computers and peripherals maintenance, long before
hard drives capacity had surpassed the 1GB volume mark.
First steps in software design and development
The UNISA Computer Science degree had contributed to widening horizons towards a vast variety of
computer languages:
- PL/I and
Pascal MT+
- C and C++
- VB and VBA
- Process Architect
Designed and developed AlacartE
More recently, designed and developed a CMS Windows application
World wide workflow systems
Technical Business Analysis